A downloadable chess for Windows

Console chess is, as the name implies, a little console chess game. It doesn't yet support an actual chess engine, just some casual random movement generation and a free play mode where you can just shuffle some pieces around. It's fully made with C# and I've used dayjur's chess validator because I didn't want to write the move validation myself. For anyone interested or having trouble running the .dll, I have also added the source code.

Average sessionA few seconds


ConsoleChess Windows.zip 18 kB
ConsoleChess.zip 30 kB
ConsoleChess source code.zip 16 kB

Install instructions

If you are on Windows, you can just download the ConsoleChess Windows.zip file and run the .exe file in there.

On any other platform; download the ConsoleChess.zip file, locate it in the Downloads folder and extract it.

First copy the folder path (by right clicking -> copy path), open the terminal (command prompt) and write: "cd" add a space and paste the path in. Then copy this

dotnet ConsoleChess.dll

and hit enter. It should now show the console.

If you don't have .NET on your machine, you can just go to an online C# compiler like Programiz and copy everything from Program.cs (in ConsoleChess source code.zip) with ctrl+a and paste it in the left window, then run the program by clicking on the blue "Run" button and the console will be the right window.

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